Get Onboard The TRUMP TRAIN 2020 Or Get Run Over

Are YOU Joining Us On The TRUMP TRAIN 2020? We’re “KEEPING AMERICA GREAT” by re-electing Donald J Trump as OUR PRESIDENT Of The United States 2020! ๐Ÿ™‚

reump rally Montoursville 05.20.19
Thousands attended the Trump Rally in Montoursville PA. This man wore a ‘build the wall suit’ that was sold out on Amazon shortly afterward.

America is doing GREAT with Donald J. Trump at the helm. As the 2020 elections near it’s imperative we study the candidates thoroughly before going to vote in this important election. Vote OUT America’s Haters! ๐Ÿ˜ก

Sound off in our Politics or MAGA forum. Registration is not required ๐Ÿ˜‰

Are YOU On The TRUMP TRAIN 2020? We’re KEEPING AMERICA GREAT by re-electing Donald J Trump as President Of The United States 2020!

Update 11/09/16: The Trump Train just pulled into the Whitehouse. We want to thank all of Team Trump for your dedication to getting Donald J Trump elected!

Below is Mr. Trump’s Presidential Acceptance Speech.

Listen to or download this speech audio track here.

Nobody else on the ballot even comes close to Donald Trump!!

Hillary Clinton’s Paid Speech Excerpts courtesy of Wikileaks ๐Ÿ˜‰

Are YOU On The TRUMP TRAIN To The Whitehouse
Gotta love this great graphic by Ben Garrison. Is that Little Marco Rubio before he got ran over by the Trump Train??

Lets face it. Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi. Have you seen the movie 13 Hours the secret soldiers of Benghazi yet? I did, and when it was over folks jumped up and shouted HILLARY LIED!

Hillary Clinton will sooner or later get indited “hopefully sooner than later” for her illegal use of personal email for US State Department Business (many of which have been classified TOP SECRET.)

donald trump presidential ethics
Donald Trump’s presidential ethics when elected.
USA Job Loss Started Around 2000 And Declined Since! Trump Can Fix This!
USA Job Loss Started Around 2000 And Declined Since! Trump Can Fix This!

Watch Tonight’s Fiery Presidential Debate (10/09/16) on ๐Ÿ˜‰

So Get On Board The TRUMP TRAIN So You’re Not Left Behind!

I'm an original Floridian and hobbyist Internet webmaster who specializes in SEO and WordPress mods and tweaking. Also i''m well versed on CloudFlare CDN setup and best practices. I had a nearly fatal fall a year ago and still are unable to walk, and are in a SNF facility being cared for. But my doctors are unable to diagnose why i can no longer walk. Please pray for me!โค๏ธ

145 Thoughts to “Get Onboard The TRUMP TRAIN 2020 Or Get Run Over”

  1. Anonymous

    Our president doesnโ€™t take a salary, loves our country and military. Is a strong and successful business man who will not be shipping tax payers
    Money to IRAN!! Democrats are so shameful that they have completely forgot about serving the people who mistakenly put them in office and just want to remove a president who continually proves his love for our country. What obama do? Several slips about his Muslim faith that hates Americans, played lots of golf and owns nothing. He was a community organizer (whatever that means)????

  2. Anonymous

    Our president doesnโ€™t take a salary, loves our country and military. Is a strong and successful business man who will not be shipping tax payers
    Money to IRAN!! Democrats are so shameful that they have completely forgot about serving the people who mistakenly put them in office and just want to remove a president who continually proves his love for our country. What obama do? Several slips about his Muslim faith that hates Americans, played lots of golf and owns nothing. He was a community organizer (whatever that means)????

  3. Juan M. Saiz

    Trump 8 more years.

  4. Juan M. Saiz

    Trump 8 more years.

  5. Antonio

    This site is better than the fake news station FOX. Never had such a laugh. Tell me whiteman how are you going to resolve all of the theft from the real Americans – Native Americans. Your big chief full of hot aire and not much more. Our Elders told us that to find a path we must seek it and not allow others to find it for us. THink about that

    1. FidoSysop

      Itโ€™s a job keeping it online. I hate siteโ€™s that hype big headlines but are click bait loaded up with ads.

      All this bull-shit is because politicians have been selling us out for decades. President Trump comes along and threw a monkey wrench into their schemes.

      Crooked Hillary with her for sale sign on the state department with Huma Abden running it. Rinsing all that dirty money through the Clinton Foundation. I bet some of those ill gotten gains bought Obamas mansions.

      Keep the faith patriots the best is yet to come! ??โค๏ธ??

    2. FidoSysop

      Itโ€™s a job keeping it online. I hate siteโ€™s that hype big headlines but are click bait loaded up with ads.

      All this bull-shit is because politicians have been selling us out for decades. President Trump comes along and threw a monkey wrench into their schemes.

      Crooked Hillary with her for sale sign on the state department with Huma Abden running it. Rinsing all that dirty money through the Clinton Foundation. I bet some of those ill gotten gains bought Obamas mansions.

      Keep the faith patriots the best is yet to come! ??โค๏ธ??

  6. Antonio

    This site is better than the fake news station FOX. Never had such a laugh. Tell me whiteman how are you going to resolve all of the theft from the real Americans – Native Americans. Your big chief full of hot aire and not much more. Our Elders told us that to find a path we must seek it and not allow others to find it for us. THink about that

    1. FidoSysop

      Itโ€™s a job keeping it online. I hate siteโ€™s that hype big headlines but are click bait loaded up with ads.

      All this bull-shit is because politicians have been selling us out for decades. President Trump comes along and threw a monkey wrench into their schemes.

      Crooked Hillary with her for sale sign on the state department with Huma Abden running it. Rinsing all that dirty money through the Clinton Foundation. I bet some of those ill gotten gains bought Obamas mansions.

      Keep the faith patriots the best is yet to come! ??โค๏ธ??

  7. Anonymous

    I support president Donald J Trump. Yes I am a republican, been one since I was a child when my parents sat me down to explain the difference between the two political parties. I have always believed that if you wanted state benefits you have to do bi-weekly routine drug tests and be legally employed plus be a legal citizen of the United States of America. That nothing is ever Free!

    1. FidoSysop

      Thanks for your support! ??

    2. FidoSysop

      Thanks for your support! ??

  8. Anonymous

    I support president Donald J Trump. Yes I am a republican, been one since I was a child when my parents sat me down to explain the difference between the two political parties. I have always believed that if you wanted state benefits you have to do bi-weekly routine drug tests and be legally employed plus be a legal citizen of the United States of America. That nothing is ever Free!

    1. FidoSysop

      Thanks for your support! ??

  9. Christie paris

    Trump 2020

  10. Christie paris

    Trump 2020

  11. FidoSysop

    Absolute Deep State BS!

    President Donald Trump renewed his complaint Monday that a cabal of rogue FBI officials had tried to engineer an ‘overthrow’ when they obtained a series of surveillance warrants against one of his 2016 campaign advisers.

  12. FidoSysop

    Absolute Deep State BS!

    President Donald Trump renewed his complaint Monday that a cabal of rogue FBI officials had tried to engineer an ‘overthrow’ when they obtained a series of surveillance warrants against one of his 2016 campaign advisers.

  13. FidoSysop

    Absolute Deep State BS!

    President Donald Trump renewed his complaint Monday that a cabal of rogue FBI officials had tried to engineer an ‘overthrow’ when they obtained a series of surveillance warrants against one of his 2016 campaign advisers.

  14. Annoymous

    Trump is done for. He’s on his way out of the White House. The anger and hate is coming from him and his followers. I am for neither party before you label me as a liberal democrat. Look at all the anger here. They hate but call themselves Christians. Hate blacks, Jews, gays etc but call yourself child of God? Ha bunch of ignorant angry Americans.

    1. FidoSysop

      Wow.. Itโ€™s the troll brigade.. ?

    2. FidoSysop

      Wow.. Itโ€™s the troll brigade.. ?

    3. Anonymous


      1. Anonymous

        Prove the hate is coming from Trumps supporters. Are they beating up people who wear a hat to support their political leanings? Are they burning businesses in the street because someone was elected they didn’t want? Are the Republicans tearing down Statues that have been a part of American history for years? Did they create a false dossier to try to get rid of President Obama or any other President? Has the Republicans or Trump supporters snooped into the business of the President to try to find a reason to impeach him, and when they couldn’t find one make something up using 2nd hand information which still never proved he did anything wrong, but impeach him anyway. So where is your proof the Republicans or Trump supporters are the haters. From where I am standing it is the other way around.

        1. FidoSysop

          Thatโ€™s the truth! Right out of Adolph Hitlers playbook. Blame our enemies for what we are doing! ???

        2. FidoSysop

          Thatโ€™s the truth! Right out of Adolph Hitlers playbook. Blame our enemies for what we are doing! ???

    4. Kathryn Barrows


    5. Anonymous

      Big talk from an “anonymous” crybavy

    6. Anonymous

      One more comment to Anonymous. Where is the proof that Christians hate blacks, Jews, Gays or any others. Many from the groups you mentioned are also Christians and Trump supporters, so why would they hate themselves.Yes Christians should hate it when someone is being wrongly accused and lied about. Christians are suppose to stand up for righteousness and doing so does not mean they hate anyone but sin. Lying to cause someone to fall even a Leader is wrong and I personally will not stand and watch it happen without doing what I can to stop it which is to vote for those who do not involve themselves in such treachery. FYI I don’t hate you or anyone else, but I do hate what’s going on in the democratic party. I am bipartisan and have in the past agreed with a lot of issues pushed by the democrats, but they have now gone too far to the left with their outrageous ideas. By the way who made you judge over others.

  15. Annoymous

    Trump is done for. He’s on his way out of the White House. The anger and hate is coming from him and his followers. I am for neither party before you label me as a liberal democrat. Look at all the anger here. They hate but call themselves Christians. Hate blacks, Jews, gays etc but call yourself child of God? Ha bunch of ignorant angry Americans.

    1. FidoSysop

      Wow.. Itโ€™s the troll brigade.. ?

    2. Anonymous


      1. Anonymous

        Prove the hate is coming from Trumps supporters. Are they beating up people who wear a hat to support their political leanings? Are they burning businesses in the street because someone was elected they didn’t want? Are the Republicans tearing down Statues that have been a part of American history for years? Did they create a false dossier to try to get rid of President Obama or any other President? Has the Republicans or Trump supporters snooped into the business of the President to try to find a reason to impeach him, and when they couldn’t find one make something up using 2nd hand information which still never proved he did anything wrong, but impeach him anyway. So where is your proof the Republicans or Trump supporters are the haters. From where I am standing it is the other way around.

        1. FidoSysop

          Thatโ€™s the truth! Right out of Adolph Hitlers playbook. Blame our enemies for what we are doing! ???

    3. Kathryn Barrows


    4. Anonymous

      Big talk from an “anonymous” crybavy

    5. Anonymous

      One more comment to Anonymous. Where is the proof that Christians hate blacks, Jews, Gays or any others. Many from the groups you mentioned are also Christians and Trump supporters, so why would they hate themselves.Yes Christians should hate it when someone is being wrongly accused and lied about. Christians are suppose to stand up for righteousness and doing so does not mean they hate anyone but sin. Lying to cause someone to fall even a Leader is wrong and I personally will not stand and watch it happen without doing what I can to stop it which is to vote for those who do not involve themselves in such treachery. FYI I don’t hate you or anyone else, but I do hate what’s going on in the democratic party. I am bipartisan and have in the past agreed with a lot of issues pushed by the democrats, but they have now gone too far to the left with their outrageous ideas. By the way who made you judge over others.

  16. Frank Carte

    TRUMP2020 BABY!!!!

    1. FidoSysop

      Thanks Frank, for your comment ??

    2. FidoSysop

      Thanks Frank, for your comment ??

  17. Frank Carte

    TRUMP2020 BABY!!!!

    1. FidoSysop

      Thanks Frank, for your comment ??

  18. Shelby Allred

    Love President Trump! I’ve never seen another president work so hard for the American people. Praying for his re-election in 2020, but I don’t think we’ll have to worry about that! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. FidoSysop

      Yes Shelby, I agree, Donald Trump is the best president in my lifetime. I’m proud to support him and his battle draining the D.C. Swamp! Dems are doomed in 2020!

    2. FidoSysop

      Yes Shelby, I agree, Donald Trump is the best president in my lifetime. I’m proud to support him and his battle draining the D.C. Swamp! Dems are doomed in 2020!

  19. Shelby Allred

    Love President Trump! I’ve never seen another president work so hard for the American people. Praying for his re-election in 2020, but I don’t think we’ll have to worry about that! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. FidoSysop

      Yes Shelby, I agree, Donald Trump is the best president in my lifetime. I’m proud to support him and his battle draining the D.C. Swamp! Dems are doomed in 2020!

  20. Vickie

    I’m onboard! Tired of people trying to destroy our President and family, and our country!

    1. FidoSysop

      Thank you Vickie, for your support!

    2. FidoSysop

      Thank you Vickie, for your support!

  21. Vickie

    I’m onboard! Tired of people trying to destroy our President and family, and our country!

    1. FidoSysop

      Thank you Vickie, for your support!

  22. Anonymous

    If your not a Republican
    yet, you should be, with all the hate coming out of the Democratic Party. It’s time to walk away and get on the Trump Train, with the best President we have had in many years. If you can’t see the progress Trump has made in our great country, then you are blind to the point of insanity. Our President will beat the Impeachment, and come out with flying colors. God Bless Him and his great Family.

    1. FidoSysop

      Yes indeed! I first registered Independent and found out I couldnโ€™t vote in the primary. My state Florida is a closed primary state meaning you can only vote for your party. Changed that quick.

      Dems have nothing but smoke and mirrors only. No way there going to get a conviction! Dems are screwing themselves big time and their hateful actions will cost them big in 2020! #VoteRepublican ??

    2. FidoSysop

      Yes indeed! I first registered Independent and found out I couldnโ€™t vote in the primary. My state Florida is a closed primary state meaning you can only vote for your party. Changed that quick.

      Dems have nothing but smoke and mirrors only. No way there going to get a conviction! Dems are screwing themselves big time and their hateful actions will cost them big in 2020! #VoteRepublican ??

  23. Anonymous

    If your not a Republican
    yet, you should be, with all the hate coming out of the Democratic Party. It’s time to walk away and get on the Trump Train, with the best President we have had in many years. If you can’t see the progress Trump has made in our great country, then you are blind to the point of insanity. Our President will beat the Impeachment, and come out with flying colors. God Bless Him and his great Family.

    1. FidoSysop

      Yes indeed! I first registered Independent and found out I couldnโ€™t vote in the primary. My state Florida is a closed primary state meaning you can only vote for your party. Changed that quick.

      Dems have nothing but smoke and mirrors only. No way there going to get a conviction! Dems are screwing themselves big time and their hateful actions will cost them big in 2020! #VoteRepublican ??

  24. Cynthia Link

    Trump 20/20 Trump cares about -The…education..putting people to work..keeping America safe..keeping corrupt lawmakers at bay..and honor..cant say that about the rest of hes the one im choosing

    1. FidoSysop

      Thanks Cynthia, for your comment. Dems are desperate to get rid of our fearless leader because they canโ€™t beat him at the ballot. They will never impeach him, thereโ€™s nothing there.

      Hopefully the FISA report will knock them down a bit. Come Monday weโ€™ll see!

    2. FidoSysop

      Thanks Cynthia, for your comment. Dems are desperate to get rid of our fearless leader because they canโ€™t beat him at the ballot. They will never impeach him, thereโ€™s nothing there.

      Hopefully the FISA report will knock them down a bit. Come Monday weโ€™ll see!

  25. Cynthia Link

    Trump 20/20 Trump cares about -The…education..putting people to work..keeping America safe..keeping corrupt lawmakers at bay..and honor..cant say that about the rest of hes the one im choosing

    1. FidoSysop

      Thanks Cynthia, for your comment. Dems are desperate to get rid of our fearless leader because they canโ€™t beat him at the ballot. They will never impeach him, thereโ€™s nothing there.

      Hopefully the FISA report will knock them down a bit. Come Monday weโ€™ll see!

  26. Jeff

    What a great man , but the best president since reagen it’s on for 2020 but what then. We gotta think of the long game also,merry Christmas too all

    1. FidoSysop

      Thanks Jeff for your comment. We need to add another term to the president position. Possibly 16 yearโ€™s max. Something to discuss!

    2. FidoSysop

      Thanks Jeff for your comment. We need to add another term to the president position. Possibly 16 yearโ€™s max. Something to discuss!

  27. Jeff

    What a great man , but the best president since reagen it’s on for 2020 but what then. We gotta think of the long game also,merry Christmas too all

    1. FidoSysop

      Thanks Jeff for your comment. We need to add another term to the president position. Possibly 16 yearโ€™s max. Something to discuss!

  28. Walter Eberle

    I have been on board since day one. I live in Queens not far from his parents house.

    1. FidoSysop

      Thanks for your support #Trump2020 ??

    2. FidoSysop

      Thanks for your support #Trump2020 ??

  29. Walter Eberle

    I have been on board since day one. I live in Queens not far from his parents house.

    1. FidoSysop

      Thanks for your support #Trump2020 ??

  30. FidoSysop

    Donald Trump: THE WHOLE SYSTEM IS RIGGED; RNC Should be Ashamed. At a campaign rally in Rome, NY, GOP Presidential front-runner Donald
    Trump blasted the RNC for allowing the nonsense in Colorado to go on-
    where Ted Cruz won all of the delegates in the State without any vote.

  31. FidoSysop

    Donald Trump: THE WHOLE SYSTEM IS RIGGED; RNC Should be Ashamed. At a campaign rally in Rome, NY, GOP Presidential front-runner Donald
    Trump blasted the RNC for allowing the nonsense in Colorado to go on-
    where Ted Cruz won all of the delegates in the State without any vote.

  32. FidoSysop

    Donald Trump: THE WHOLE SYSTEM IS RIGGED; RNC Should be Ashamed. At a campaign rally in Rome, NY, GOP Presidential front-runner Donald
    Trump blasted the RNC for allowing the nonsense in Colorado to go on-
    where Ted Cruz won all of the delegates in the State without any vote.

  33. FidoSysop

    Full Speech: Donald Trump HUGE Rally- 20,000+ in Albany, NY (4-11-16)

  34. FidoSysop

    Full Speech: Donald Trump HUGE Rally- 20,000+ in Albany, NY (4-11-16)

  35. FidoSysop

    Full Speech: Donald Trump HUGE Rally- 20,000+ in Albany, NY (4-11-16)

  36. FidoSysop

  37. FidoSysop

  38. FidoSysop

  39. FidoSysop

    Crooked Politicians – Possibly #NeverCruz involved in delegate and election tampering? Stinks like a bordello at low tide!

  40. FidoSysop

    Crooked Politicians – Possibly #NeverCruz involved in delegate and election tampering? Stinks like a bordello at low tide!

  41. FidoSysop

    Crooked Politicians – Possibly #NeverCruz involved in delegate and election tampering? Stinks like a bordello at low tide!

  42. FidoSysop

    Hillary Clinton should be arrested soon. #FBI #Prison #Clinton

  43. FidoSysop

    Hillary Clinton should be arrested soon. #FBI #Prison #Clinton

  44. FidoSysop

    Hillary Clinton should be arrested soon. #FBI #Prison #Clinton

  45. FidoSysop

  46. FidoSysop

  47. FidoSysop

  48. FidoSysop

  49. FidoSysop

  50. FidoSysop

  51. FidoSysop

    CBS Focus Group: Hillary โ€˜Worst Liar I Think Iโ€™ve Ever Seen,โ€™ She โ€˜Lied About Lyingโ€™ #Trump2016 #HillaryForPrison2016

  52. FidoSysop

    CBS Focus Group: Hillary โ€˜Worst Liar I Think Iโ€™ve Ever Seen,โ€™ She โ€˜Lied About Lyingโ€™ #Trump2016 #HillaryForPrison2016

  53. FidoSysop

    CBS Focus Group: Hillary โ€˜Worst Liar I Think Iโ€™ve Ever Seen,โ€™ She โ€˜Lied About Lyingโ€™ #Trump2016 #HillaryForPrison2016

  54. FidoSysop

    We the people should not be persuaded who to vote for by activists or other intimidation groups. #TeamTrump

  55. FidoSysop

    We the people should not be persuaded who to vote for by activists or other intimidation groups. #TeamTrump

    1. Kathryn Barrows


  56. FidoSysop

    We the people should not be persuaded who to vote for by activists or other intimidation groups. #TeamTrump

    1. Kathryn Barrows


  57. Trump Supporter

  58. Trump Supporter

  59. FidoSysop

    Donald Trump FULL Super Tuesday Press Conference Video After Winning FL, IL, NC (3-15-16)

  60. FidoSysop

    Donald Trump FULL Super Tuesday Press Conference Video After Winning FL, IL, NC (3-15-16)

  61. FidoSysop

    Donald Trump FULL Super Tuesday Press Conference Video After Winning FL, IL, NC (3-15-16)

  62. FidoSysop

    Add your Favorite political photos here!

    1. FidoSysop

      Gotta Love It!

      1. FidoSysop

        Someone Git A Rope!

  63. FidoSysop

    Add your Favorite political photos here!

    1. FidoSysop

      Gotta Love It!

      1. FidoSysop

        Someone Git A Rope!

    2. Anonymous

      Fuck Trump

      1. Carol Hall

        you really are a blank face ..ignorant and a dumb ads hater go away you smell like pure swamp water

        1. Anonymous

          Agree Carol

        2. FidoSysop

          I try not to censor hateful comments. Some are brainwashed by liberal media (ABC, CNN, MSDNC, NBC, etc, and don’t know any better. Some are just plain haters and were born that way. Anyone with any common sense can see the progress America has made under President Trumps leadership, and I for one thank him for all he has achieved. We will continue draining the D.C. Swamp when our fearless leader is re-elected by a landslide! ๐Ÿ™‚

        3. Anonymous

          Yes / you are ? % correct. Itโ€™s sad that we have people out there that canโ€™t see that President Trump caters about our country & the people. He isnโ€™t doing this for political power or popularity- he wants to see us prosper & continue to prosper

        4. Bob Democracy

          So there are people who think sensibly (You apparently) And people who are brain washed by media (Not education apparently) and some who are just born to hate.

          Progress has not been made on any social justice fronts and we still deal with systemic racism from the far right which has been amplified by this presidency.

          There is a running count of over 12,000 falsehoods that have been spewn from the mouth of our president yet ignoramus individuals such as yourself refuse to acknowledge anyone’s opinions but your own.

          You are a vapid and cranky old man holding on to out dated ideologies paying attention to the wrong benchmarks of “progress” in accordance to human progress because you are UNEDUCATED.

          You literally can not teach old dogs like yourself new tricks. We literally have to wait for you to die.

        5. FidoSysop

          Bob Democracy, you started your comment with a compliment, but quickly couldn’t contain you’re hatred of president Trump and his supporters. It’s often referred to as attempted derailing of a conversation, trying to steer the commentary into a negative direction. Often performed by social media reputation management employees.

          Sounds like you’re a CNN watcher and are brainwashed by the DNC. I’m far from uneducated, and plan on living to be at least 100. So you’ll be waiting a long time for me to die! ๐Ÿ˜†

        6. FidoSysop

          Bob Democracy, you started your comment with a compliment, but quickly couldn’t contain you’re hatred of president Trump and his supporters. It’s often referred to as attempted derailing of a conversation, trying to steer the commentary into a negative direction. Often performed by social media reputation management employees.

          Sounds like you’re a CNN watcher and are brainwashed by the DNC. I’m far from uneducated, and plan on living to be at least 100. So you’ll be waiting a long time for me to die! ๐Ÿ˜†

        7. FidoSysop

          I try not to censor hateful comments. Some are brainwashed by liberal media (ABC, CNN, MSDNC, NBC, etc, and don’t know any better. Some are just plain haters and were born that way. Anyone with any common sense can see the progress America has made under President Trumps leadership, and I for one thank him for all he has achieved. We will continue draining the D.C. Swamp when our fearless leader is re-elected by a landslide! ๐Ÿ™‚

      2. Anonymous

        This isn’t that kind of party.

      3. Lee Taylor

        Said Another Swamp Rat—–

        1. FidoSysop

          Tomorrow will be the swamp rats worst day! ?????

        2. FidoSysop

          Tomorrow will be the swamp rats worst day! ?????

      4. Anonymous

        May you find peace do you eat with that ugly mouth go and wash it in the sea

      5. GARY

        Fuck you too

  64. FidoSysop

    Add your Favorite political photos here!

    1. FidoSysop

      Gotta Love It!

      1. FidoSysop

        Someone Git A Rope!

    2. Anonymous

      Fuck Trump

      1. Carol Hall

        you really are a blank face ..ignorant and a dumb ads hater go away you smell like pure swamp water

        1. Anonymous

          Agree Carol

        2. FidoSysop

          I try not to censor hateful comments. Some are brainwashed by liberal media (ABC, CNN, MSDNC, NBC, etc, and don’t know any better. Some are just plain haters and were born that way. Anyone with any common sense can see the progress America has made under President Trumps leadership, and I for one thank him for all he has achieved. We will continue draining the D.C. Swamp when our fearless leader is re-elected by a landslide! ๐Ÿ™‚

        3. Anonymous

          Yes / you are ? % correct. Itโ€™s sad that we have people out there that canโ€™t see that President Trump caters about our country & the people. He isnโ€™t doing this for political power or popularity- he wants to see us prosper & continue to prosper

        4. Bob Democracy

          So there are people who think sensibly (You apparently) And people who are brain washed by media (Not education apparently) and some who are just born to hate.

          Progress has not been made on any social justice fronts and we still deal with systemic racism from the far right which has been amplified by this presidency.

          There is a running count of over 12,000 falsehoods that have been spewn from the mouth of our president yet ignoramus individuals such as yourself refuse to acknowledge anyone’s opinions but your own.

          You are a vapid and cranky old man holding on to out dated ideologies paying attention to the wrong benchmarks of “progress” in accordance to human progress because you are UNEDUCATED.

          You literally can not teach old dogs like yourself new tricks. We literally have to wait for you to die.

        5. FidoSysop

          Bob Democracy, you started your comment with a compliment, but quickly couldn’t contain you’re hatred of president Trump and his supporters. It’s often referred to as attempted derailing of a conversation, trying to steer the commentary into a negative direction. Often performed by social media reputation management employees.

          Sounds like you’re a CNN watcher and are brainwashed by the DNC. I’m far from uneducated, and plan on living to be at least 100. So you’ll be waiting a long time for me to die! ๐Ÿ˜†

      2. Anonymous

        This isn’t that kind of party.

      3. Lee Taylor

        Said Another Swamp Rat—–

        1. FidoSysop

          Tomorrow will be the swamp rats worst day! ?????

      4. Anonymous

        May you find peace do you eat with that ugly mouth go and wash it in the sea

      5. GARY

        Fuck you too

Love America? ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ Defend Her! ๐Ÿ“ฃ